Propagation Methods of Cochlospermum Gossypium

Uses of Cochlospermum GossypiumA native of India, Myanmar and some island of archipelago. It is found all over India from Bihar, Orissa and Himalayan tracks up to 3000 feet elevation. The plants are grown near Indian temples for its decorative yellow flowers. It is a small tree with numerous branches and is characterized by a stout trunk and ash coloured smooth bark.

Leaves and the gum obtained from the trunk is a substitute for tragacanth gum and are used commonly by shoe makers. Gum is used to make lozenges and mucilage. It is useful in cough hoarse throat and scaling in urine. It is mixed with curd or whey and is used when affected by diarrhea and dysentery. New leaves are used as a cooling wash agent for the hair.

Propagation Methods of Cochlospermum Gossypium

It can be easily propagated from seed. For raising the seedlings, seeds have to be sown in nursery beds. The soil is ploughed up to a depth of 30cm mixed with 2kg/m² of dry cow dung and sand. Then the nursery beds of 1 feet height, 5ft breadth, and 25ft length are raised. The bed should be watered 2 times daily for 15 days. So that all weeds will germinate by the end of 15 days. Remove the weeds from beds by loosened by light digging. Then keep the geminated 500 plants six inches apart.When the seedlings are six inches height just give a spray of 1gm of urea with 1 liter of water which will stimulate the health and vigorous growth of the foliage.

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