Cultivation Methods

Propagation Methods of Cochlospermum Gossypium

Uses of Cochlospermum GossypiumA native of India, Myanmar and some island of archipelago. It is found all over India from Bihar, Orissa and Himalayan tracks up to 3000 feet elevation. The plants are grown near Indian temples for its decorative

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Propagation method of Tinospora Cordifolia

Tinospora Cordifolia is a plant found mainly in Malaysia, India and Srilanka. The main parts uses of this plant are stem and root. It is a large highly spreading, woody climber with fat are water-retaining plants adapted to arid climate or soil conditions. Uses of Tinospora Cordifolia Tinospora Cordifolia can be used for scorpion sting treatment. An infusion prepared from the stem and root is a valuable toxic in debilitating diseases. Its is used to cure skin problems, fever weakness, jaundice and diabetes. It is used for piles. The extract of Tinospora Cordifolia is very effective against the insect Aphis Craccivora Koch (aphid). This can be used as a natural way of killing insects in garden. Cultivation of Tinospora Cordifolia Medium black soil or red soil is the best for the cultivation of Tinospora Cordifolia. A well drained, rich in organic matter soil is very good for the growth of this plant. The plant is very hardy and it can be grown in almost all climates but prefers warm climate. Tinospora can be propagated by seeds and also vegetative cuttings. The best way is vegetative way. The cuttings of the small finger thickness with 6 to 8 inch length long stem having two nodes are used. The cuttings are dipped by quick dip method in 2500 ppm of IBA and get greater success of rooting. This may be planted in poly bags of 4 inch ×6 inch size. The poly bags filled with mud, sand and dry cow dung in the ratio 1:1:1. The rooting of the cuttings takes almost 4 to 5 weeks. The cuttings of Tinospora Cordifolia will be ready for planting into the main field by this time. Continue reading

Cultivation techniques of Phyllanthus Niruri

Phyllanthus Amarus Sanskrit Name: Bahupatra Hindi Name: Jaramla Niruri German Name: Weisse Blatt-Blume Telugu Name : Nel usi rika Malayalam Name: keelanelli Phyllanthus Niruri is commonly seen in South India. The plant is considered deobstruent, diuretic, astringent

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Santalum Album Cultivation Techniques

SANTALUM ALBUM English Name: SANDALWOOD Habitat This is a small evergreen tree grows wild and is cultivated in Indian states of Mysore, Coorg, Coimbatore, Kerala and in some parts of Malaysia, Australia and Newsland, when growing away from its natural

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Cultivation Methods and Germination Techniques of Atropa Belladonna

English name: Deadly night shade, devils cherry It’s a native of Southern and central Europe and naturalized in South England. It is also found in Western Himalayas. Parts Used Root and leaves. Atropines, alkaloid are extracted from the plant. Uses Belladonna is a valuable antidote in poisoning by opium, muscarine etc. Extract of belladonna is used as external application to relive pain. Cultivation Methods Soil  Belladonna grows well in slightly acid soil. Heavy clay soil which is water logged should be avoided. Climate Belladonna can be grown as winter crop. Continue reading

Azadirachta Indica (Neem)- Cultivation Methods

Cultivation Method Seeds propagation is the Common method of growing neem trees. Neem tree can also be propagated by vegetative means – shoot cuttings. How to raise plants in Nursery Seeds are collected from June to August. It should be

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Cultivation Techniques of Gymnema Sylvestre

Family: Asclepiadaceae Life of the plant is about 10 years Habitat A climbing plant Common in Central and southern India, western Ghats(India), Australia and Tropical Africa. Parts Used: Roots, Leaves, Seeds. Uses In Ayurveda Gymnema Sylvestre has been described

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