How to make Butter and Cheese
Butter is made from cream of milk by churning. It consists of about 80% of fat, 15% of water, with little casein and sugar. A certain amount of common salt is added to increase its keeping qualities
Removing Stains
1. Ball point Pen: As soon as this happen sponge with methylatedspirits, then flush repeatedly in cold water.
2. Blood: Soak in cold, salted water for 10 minutes and then wash with soap for really stubborn stains, apply a mixture of cornflour talcum powder or cornmeal mixed with water and allow to dry. Then brush off.
3. Coffee: Washout with cold water then vinegar and rinse egg yolk lukewarm water and rub on stain.
4. Ink: Soak in Milk
5. Wax: To remove wax from fabric, place a block of ice onto wax, or place in freezer. Scrape off after 2 hours. Continue reading
Preserving Dried Flowers and Plants
Making a herbarium
Dried flowers make wonderful decorations that will last a long time and can be placed around the house in attractive arrangements in bowls and vases. Summer is an ideal time to harvest the flowers for drying