Glycyrrhiza Glabra

English Name: Sweet root or liquorice

Hindi Name: Mithilakdi or Mulathee or kubas-Susa

Marathi Name: Jashtimadh

Tamil Name: Ati maduram

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Tribe: Galegeae
Genus: Glycyrrhiza
Species: G. glabra










Gulf, Afghanistan, Punjab and also in South India.

Parts used

Peeled Root


Tonic, cooling, demulcent, expectorant.


Glycyrrhiza Glabra is mainly used for ulcers. Root is used for Scorpion sting, Irritable conditions of bronchial tubes for cough, hoarse sore throat, and asthma. It relives pain, discomfort and other symptoms caused by acid matter in the stomach.


Propagation of Glycyrrhiza Glabra is done by using old crowns of lifted roots of the old plants. They are cut into 15 cm long. T
he plants can be made from the runners which are cut into 5 inches pieces with two to three buds. They are kept in moist moss for about 10 to 12 days in the shade. Then its starts to root. The same are planted to the fields. 

The Glycyrrhiza Glabra plants can be planted in the month of March and early April. The crowns are planted in the centre of the ridges; the crowns should be covered with 2 inches of the top soil.

The field  should be irrigated weekly during summer months. During growing period weeding should be done regularly. In the month of November the cans are cut down of the ground levels .The flowering shoots are to be removed, otherwise they will produce inferior quality rhizomes.


The soil should be done in light loom and sandy land so that the plant will grow one meter depth. The plan t requires a warm dry climate. Heavy rains or frost can effects growth adversely. Per acre 10,000 plants can be cultivated. 10 loads of dry farm yard manure are required for cultivation of Glycyrrhiza Glabra. The land is ploughed by mixing the 10 loads of cow dung and brought to fine tilth. The cuttings are transplanted on ridges spaced 90 cm and 50 cm within a row.


The Glycyrrhiza Glabra plants are uprooted in the month of September after the rains (in the case of India). The material is then cut into 15-20cm long pieces and dried.

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